Leveling guide in Dekaron Rusaki

This guide was passed down player to player so if you're new in the server you might not yet know about this fast leveling guide,ok let's start.

New to server? first ask someone in party and ask him to kill a "core of darkness" or "core of sun" this will make you level to 50+ after that you can go to crespo A ask someone again to party you, by the way you can PM me in the game if you're new to the server and i will help you level my in-game name is IntenseMagic

Just RBed? Remember always save in Parca Temple, after you RB in Loa use the return scroll. Then ask a friend/guildies/or someone to kill a core of sun/darkness,
and try to be lvl 60 and make a run in Crespo A, make sure that you will reach level 115. Now go to Aquarius and grind there 'till you reach level 130. After you reach level 130, you can go to Space Dung (Space Dungeon).Don't know where? From Parca Temple to Loa2 teleporter, then Loa2 Teleporter to Space Dung,, don't be confused about Space of Pilgrimage and Space of Pilgrimage-Dungeon they are different, click Space of Pilgrimage-Dungeon,there you go you're now in Space Dung. Now try to get on a party, its faster if you have party. Space dung is good from lvl 130-160, some stay here until 168. Ok here's 160-168 the boring part, you have two options, stay in space until 168, or go to Crespo Abyss A

look for a party and try hard to reach lvl 168. Yay! your now level 168, now go to Crespo Abyss B where the fun starts again.Reach lvl 174 and go to Abyss C until you reach level 180, then Rb.

1-60 = Parca Temple
60-115 = Crespo Dungeon A
115-130 = Aquarius
130-160/168 = Space Dungeon
160-168 = Abyss A
168-174 = Abyss B
174-180 = Abyss C
180+ = Abyss D